Berry Streusel, Banana Bread, Cherry Streusel, NY Style Cheesecake all in a days twerk
I used to not bake so much because I guess I was just a little lazy. But now I get paid to do it so I really enjoy it! But really it's quite cheap and easy to make cool shit, you only need about 7-8 things in your cupboard or cheap-ass metal shelving at all times to bake, with only minor additons for each specific recipe, really you can make all that is pictured here for less than about 12 bucks, and then go flip that shit and step your game up to profiteroles and chocolate sabayon homey. The jump-off is as follows:
1. All-Purpose Flour
2. Granulated Sugar
3. Butter
4. Eggs
4. Baking Powder
5. Vanilla Extract
6. Cinammon
7. Confectioner's (powdered) sugar
8. Lemon (for zesting)
Notice these are all cheap (except the vanilla, but it lasts) and you can keep this shit forever (except the butter and eggs, but make yourself or some freak an omelet if you sense their time is running short). Really you should have the eggs, butter, and lemon already.
No baking soda? I find substituting more baking powder for baking soda makes no easily discernible difference.
Now, say you want to....
Make a cheese cake? Buy some cream cheese, graham cracker crumbs, and sour cream!
Make Carrot Cake? Buy some carrots, cream cheese, and walnuts!
Make Banana Bread? Buy some bananas, milk, and walnuts!
Brownies? Buy a bar of nice dark unsweetened chocolate! aaaaaaand maybe some walnuts!
Berry Struesel? Milk, Berries of your choice,
you get the idea.
Baking is tight, you get fat but you also get good at it, it's cheap and girls for some reason think when a man bakes it is somehow revealing his "sensitive" side, but really I just burn myself a lot and cuss.