I'm on a roll, so butter me

Tuesday, July 28, 2009



Did you forget this was a food blog? Well I heard on streaming NPR (all the way in Berlin, 21st Century BLAOW) that so-called "Mommy-blogs" are apparently undergoing a serious ethical crisis: these popular blogs about things like "Wiping Butts - Up or Down?" and "Postpartem - Should I Kill my Baby?" also are reviewing products, products they get for FREE and all sorts of other sponsorships ($$$$$$). And surprise - the moms are mostly giving positive reviews without disclosing their payola! What will the Blogoshpere do? Call the FTC! Well, I want my piece of the pie, because I probably baked it. I'm gonna get back on the grind hoping that somewhere out there someone has money they don't know what to do with so I can have some and not really work. Like most writers!

So, I've been exercising more than usual lately which has increased my appetite and desire for PROTEIN. I find protein shakes and bars UTTERLY DISGUSTING, much like people with a lot of muscles. But I like cooking eggs, and occasionally eating them, so I've been on this personal frittata tip, witta lotta veggies thrown in the mix. Yes, if you are wondering, I'm lifting this straight off Mark Bittman. B-b-b-b-but my shit's on poor man status, so it's like, different, dude.

So, this is really easy! Just crack and beat up a couple eggs, and set aside. Then chop up a lil white onion, and chunk up about half an average sized zuchinni. Over medium-high heat, sautee the onion and zuch in olive oil. When they are tender (to your satisfaction, of course) add about 1/2 tablespoon of butter, and once thats doing that thing where its all FSHHHHHH and bubblin lower the heat to medium-low and add the egg. Let that shit CHEEL for a couple minutes, and then throw it in the oven for about 5 minutes. OR you can get cocky and flip it, but if you use something like, brocolli, be prepared for something less than pristine looking, although just as good tasting.


  1. Looks good but needs cheese! Or does that make it an omelette?

  2. Actually I had been grating parmesan over top uv it, and I guess it would still be a frittata in that case. I'm pretty sure it's the baking that makes it a fritatta, like a pan-quiche.

  3. I would like to see a version of this with a tatertot layer on top. I'm scared to try it because I think all my skillets have plastic handles that might melt in the oven. Plus I'm not much of a cook. Also: hi Joey. Ich vermisse dich!
